Plug-Ins Peak allows you to perform powerful processing with a variety of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) functions and special-purpose software “plug-ins.” These software enhancements are available from BIAS, as well as from a number of third-party developers who support the Adobe Premiere ™ Plug-in format. These enhancements range from noise reduction, filtering, and reverberation, to three-dimensional spatialization, and more. Peak itself provides a variety of advanced audio editing, processing and librarian tools. You can apply these tools at any time by first making a selection in an audio document, and then choosing the desired menu command–typically from the DSP menu. Note that if no selection is made, Peak will apply processing to the entire audio document. About Adobe Premiere Plug-Ins Adobe Premiere is one of the most popular digital video and multimedia authoring programs. Adobe Premiere publishes a list of specifications for their Audio Plug-In format, which allows third-party companies to create and market software which adds audio-related features to Premiere. BIAS Peak also supports the Adobe Premiere Audio Plug-In format, which means that many of these same third-party programs can be used to enhance the capabilities of Peak. Installing Adobe Premiere Plug-Ins To install an Adobe Premiere plug-in, simply drag it into the Peak Plug-Ins folder (located at the same hard disk directory level as the Peak application), restart Peak, and the plug-in will appear in a hierarchical menu (Plug-Ins: Premiere Plug-Ins) under the Plug-Ins menu. As with all editing functions, audio processing with plug-ins is applied non-destructively until you save a document. Please note that not all Adobe Premiere audio filter plug-ins are supported by Peak. To ensure full compatibility with Peak, please check with the plug-in developer or BIAS before purchasing the plug-in. Please also realize that BIAS cannot answer questions specifically related to the operation of third-party plug-ins. Please refer to the documentation that came with the plug-in. The following general procedure describes how to process a selection in an audio document with a plug-in. The specific capabilities and parameters of plug-ins will vary. To process audio with a plug-in: 1. Select the portion of the audio that you wish to process with the plug-in. 2. From the Plug-Ins, select the Plug-in that you wish to use. 3. A dialog appears allowing you to set the parameters for the plug-in. Most plug-ins allow you to preview the effect of the processing from this dialog. Peak allows more preview time based upon how much RAM is available to Peak. As a result, you may now preview for longer than 3 seconds if you have enough RAM to hold the audio selection (unless you are using Peak LE). Peak will allow the plug-in to preview with as much audio as it can given the available RAM. 4. Set the parameters for the plug-in as desired and click OK. Peak processes the selection with the plug-in. For using Audiosuite and TDM plug-ins, refer to Chapter 9 of your Peak User’s Guide.